Friday 14 December 2007

I'll be glad when December is over!

December started out really positively. I converted my newsletter into a downloadable pdf file - almost a magazine. My new sites were gaining momentum and getting new members, BB Articles and my other sites going great then crash!

My server for the membership sites went down on the 6th and over a week later is still not up and running despite promises. Then I found out that one of my other sites on another server had been suspended because some git had latched on to it and scammed others. Over 20,000 hits in a couple of days must have made it worthwhile for the scammer. I absolutely hate the thought that people have been scammed using my webspace and hope that the scammers get caught.

Lots of other little things have been going wrong so I just hope that Santa brings a nice surprise to make up for it all then 2008 watch out!

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