Wednesday, 26 April 2017

3 Top Resorts of the Turkish Riviera – Where To Go

Turkey holidays are extremely popular with British holidaymakers
and despite the troubles in that area of the world Turkey remains one of
the most visited holiday destinations. You can enjoy the Turkish
beaches and sunshine, visit the past history of the Ottoman empire or
simply relax and take in the beautiful scenery on your Turkish vacation. Following you will find details of 3 of the top Turkish resorts:

A spectacular stretch of coastline spread over 1,000 kilometres and
boasting some of the finest beaches in the whole country. This is one of
the most popular places to head for visitors to Turkey. Walks here take
you through idyllic towns and dramatic mountain landscapes, and you’ll
also discover ancient treasures dating back hundreds of years through
Turkey’s extensive history.

There are a number of resorts in the Turkish Riviera that are well
worth visiting next time you are in Turkey. Walks to any area of the
Riviera will provide you with some amazing experiences, but if you
manage to pass through any of the three places listed below you won’t
regret it.

 Read more: 3 Top Resorts of the Turkish Riviera – Where To Go

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

A Quick Guide to Art Materials

I recently took some drawing and watercolour painting classes and
enjoyed them so much that I decided to buy my own art materials. I
wasn’t sure which was the best that I could buy so I turned to this
article A Quick Guide to Art Materials for some advice.


When choosing an easel, firstly you need to decide where you are
using it. If it will be outdoors on rough ground then perhaps you will
need a style easel.

If you are using it on a table then a table easel (or box easel) will
suffice and is slightly cheaper. While if you are in a studio then a
studio easel is better built and slightly more expensive but well worth
the money.

Read more: A Quick Guide to Art Materials | Britster

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Gina Miller, General Election & Thwarting Brexit


I don’t pretend to be the most intelligent person or think that I
know it all but I can see well enough how remainer Gina Miller is trying
to thwart Brexit regardless of the fact that the majority voted to
leave the EU. This woman has taken the government to court and now Gina
Miller is crowdfunding to raise money to use in the general election to
prevent the UK from a hard Brexit.

Hard or Soft Brexit

Fact is that a hard or soft Brexit will come down to the negotiations
and how much our government can get Brussels to back down from their
threats and demands – even I a humble shop worker know that. If the EU
insist that we retain free movement and or obey their laws in exchange
for being in the single market I’m sure that the majority of voters will
not find it acceptable and would prefer to walk away with no deal
rather than one that ties us to the very things that we voted against.
We are more likely to be offered a bad deal if the EU negotiators can
see that the country is divided and that is common sense.

Read on Gina Miller, General Election & Thwarting Brexit

Thursday, 20 April 2017

You Want to Write Kids Stories

When writing kids stories you have to decide exactly which age group you would like to write to. When deciding on which group it helps you decide what kind of writing you will need to do.

You have decided on what age group now you need to decide what kind of book you would like to write for the children. A spooky story would be good; it would make the children squeal as they were reading. Maybe a chapter book is something that would appeal to you. Chapter books take longer to write, but it keeps the child reading for hours so they can see how it ends.

There are even easy reading books that you could write. This basically means the print is bigger and the words are simple words since the children are just learning to read.

Read more: You Want to Write Kids Stories

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Why is Running the Universal Exercise?

 running race

Running is a great form of exercise and almost anyone can do it. As
a child learns to walk, he or she will eventually learn to run too. At
first in play and then as a way to promote fitness during
school physical exercise lessons. Some continue to run as a hobby or
sport as they get older, or take it up again when they feel a need to
kit fit or lose some extra inches.

As a testament to this, there are millions of runners all over the
world that practice this universal workout on a daily basis. There are
no true running tips to promote running for weight loss. The only thing
you can rely on are your own two feet and how much mileage you can take.
Some think that running was made to be Gods natural way of providing
people with a way to get in shape. You can just see that with the
benefits of running.

Read more  Why is Running the Universal Exercise?

Are World Leaders Mad Enough To Start World War 3?

On Thursday my heart sank when I saw the news headlines US drops BIGGEST ever non-nuclear bomb’.
The bomb even has a nickname ‘MOAB’, or the mother of all bombs – sick
really to nickname a bomb. The article made frightening reading and was
not unexpected because of the posturing going on amongst certain world

What was unexpected was that the target was Isis tunnels in
Afghanistan. As I read on I expected to learn that America had bombed
Syria again, or North Korea because there has been far more focus on
those countries than Afghanistan recently.

Donald Trump promised to fight terrorism, but bombing 2 different
countries in just over a week makes me wonder just how bad things are
going to get. Of course Russia has to get in on the act and brag about
their bomb, which is 4 times bigger than the bomb the US dropped, that’s
been nicknamed ‘FOAB’ or father of all bombs. Warmongers might think
it’s clever to nickname bombs and brag about who has the biggest (like
little boys in the playground), but those of us who have some common
sense do not think that it’s clever.

Read more  Are World Leaders Mad Enough To Start World War 3?

Book Review – Accident by Danielle Steele

In Accident by Danielle Steele
we start off playing happy families with 39 year old Page, 45 year old
husband Brad and children Allyson 15, Andy 7. They live in San Francisco
and as far as Page is concerned everything is near perfect, her
marriage, children and lifestyle. So much so that she wonders about
having another child before it’s too late.

Suddenly as is typical in Danielle’s novels their lives are torn
apart one dreadful Saturday night. Allyson sneaks out on a double date
with her school friend Chloe and two 17 year old boys Jamie and Phillip.
It is Allyson’s very first date but knowing that her parents won’t
approve of her going out with an older boy she and Chloe tell their
respective parents that they are at each others homes. They have an
enjoyable night; a meal and the boys drink wine but only half a glass.

Read more Book Review – Accident by Danielle Steele