Sunday, 25 June 2017

Brexit Soft Or Hard? It’s Not Flipping Cheese You Know

Brexit, soft or hard? It isn't flipping cheese you know
Theresa May has constantly been accused of going for a hard Brexit yet all she has ever said is that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’. I happen to agree with that. If I wanted to make a deal on a house and if I found out that it had no roof, windows or doors I would not give an arm and a leg over it’s value. If the EU keep demanding too much with little in return then it would be better for us to walk away without a deal. If that happened because of the EU trying to punish us then they would be cutting their noses off to spite their faces. For us at least we would be able to start making our own trade deals, it sucks that we are not allowed to until we officially leave the EU.

Soft or Hard?

I’m getting rather fed up with the terms soft and hard as far as Brexit is concerned and think that they are just words used by the remoaners who want to stay in the EU or think that the single market is the be all and end all. I don’t believe for one minute that the negotiators from either side are going into it with plans for a hard Brexit. Unless they are fools than the negotiating teams should try to get the best deal for both sides.

Brexit Soft Or Hard? It’s Not Flipping Cheese You Know

Monday, 5 June 2017

Some Of My Favourite Seaside Resorts In England – Where To Go


England has always had some great seaside resorts and despite the unpredictable weather you can have some really enjoyable breaks along the English coast. This year like myself, more than half of the population are planning to enjoy a staycation and holiday in this country. Following are some of the wonderful places to spend a great holiday in England, what do you think?


Founded by a viking raider, Scarborough has it’s own ruined castle, retains some of it’s fishing industry and even has it’s own annual beach rock and pop festival, a great place to visit. Not far away is the smaller and quieter seaside resort of Filey, another good place for a vacation.

On the North Yorkshire coast Scarborough is one of my favourite seaside resorts. The average summer temperature is 19°C so quite warm. I’ve been really lucky and whenever I’ve gone there it’s been blazing hot during the day and lively at night! I’ve sunbathed there, shopped, been fishing, camped at the motorbike road races, stayed in a top hotel, holiday cottage, caravan and boarding house and loved every minute of every visit.

Read more Some Of My Favourite Seaside Resorts In England – Where To Go

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Easy Recipes For Quick Savoury Snacks Or Meals

When you have a busy schedule like me it’s not always easy to find time to shop for, prepare and cook hot and healthy meals with fresh food. I’ve certainly found that anyway. Rather than go down the microwave ready meal route I’ve got a few favourite easy recipes that I make if I haven’t got much time and the ingredients are usually already there in my cupboards. Following you will find my 3 favourite quick and easy recipes:

Read on: Easy Recipes For Quick Savoury Snacks Or Meals