Friday, 21 January 2011

Business and Creativity: It’s Not Just for Artists!

There are six distinct Perceptual Styles that characterize the ways the different people see the world. On the surface, some of these styles look more creative than others—but creativity is not a Perceptual Style quality, it’s a human quality.

Often, when we hear the word ‘creativity’ we think of artists and art in the broadest sense of the word—painting, sculpture, composing, writing, etc. But creativity is not limited to the artistic field, and entrepreneurs and other professionals do themselves a great disservice when they dismiss the notion that they have natural creative abilities.

One definition of creativity reads:

Read on at Business and Creativity: It’s Not Just for Artists! BB Articles Directory

Friday, 14 January 2011

Basic Steps For Getting Traffic To Your New Website Or Blog

You researched keywords and built a new website or blog, did everything right as far as SEO is concerned - so where is the traffic?

I have a friend who builds wonderful websites for customers who expect masses of traffic and sales almost immediately and with no work on their part. When they complain my friend explains that website promotion wasn’t part of the service advertised, he gives them advice and guides explaining how to get traffic but still some of them demand their money back.

They don’t understand that to get traffic they need to work at it, or outsource their promotions. If those customers opened a real world shop amongst high street competition they wouldn’t just leave getting customers to chance they would spend time and money advertising the shop. Websites aren’t any different except it doesn’t cost anything to get customers/visitors on the Internet.

Getting traffic to your new website isn’t as simple as it may seem. We’ve established that traffic doesn’t automatically arrive so lets have a look at the different things that we can do and without paying a penny:

Read more at Basic Steps For Getting Traffic To Your New Website Or Blog Patricia's Planet